We've Moved!

The Richmond Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) has moved to another site. Please click on the link below to access our current website:

Richmond Elementary PTO Website

The PTO’s goal is to enrich our children’s education by raising money for programs and services that otherwise may not be funded. Thanks to your support, we made great strides with new programs, funding for student organizations and activities, and new equipment for classrooms and the school. There's a lot more to be accomplished, and with your help, we hope to be able to provide many programs and materials that will enhance the learning experience for our children.  

If you have any questions, please contact Robin Woodmansee.

Scheduled fundraisers for 2016-2017:

Square One Art - TBD
Mixed Bag Designs - TBD
Stop & Shop A+ School RewardsBucks - School ID: 073255
Yankee Candle - TBD

  • Funds raised will be used to defray the cost of school field trips. 

Ongoing reward programs:

  • Kiducation (clothes and shoes box outside our school)  

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